
Our goal is to Glorify God through praise and musical worship by working  together to create a mature, spiritual sensitive and united worhsip team. We strive to find the balance between heartfelt, spiritually sensitive worship and intentionally organized music. In our rehearsals we give a group effort to find songs that represent our hearts as a worship team. We work to perform the songs, not with the goal to sound technically flawless but to simply give our best efforts to glorify him with faithfilled and honest praise. While choosing songs, we find it important to find a balance between modern songs and songs that people know and can sing by heart so that people can participate even if they’re visiting PCF for the first time. We maintain the belief that the worship team can be for everyone with a heart desiring to serve Him through musical worship, whether they have experience and developed gifts or merely wanting to try it out for the first time. Our prayer is that God will direct people to us who will say “yes” to an opportunity to develop an interest or gift in worship.  We are simply united with the desire to bring heaven down through proclamations of praise and worship.


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