The PCF Worship Team rehearses most weeks. Each worship leader will schedule their own worship practice. Please contact Sam, if you are interested in joining a worship team – Sam Mathew (joesamdeby98@gmail).

Worship Team members: Please remember to bring your music sheets (or contact the worship leader for that week) and your instrument!

Leader: each of our worship leaders schedule their own worship practices at various locations and times.
Time & Date: check with the specific worship leader as to time and date.
Location: a common location is PCF Ministry Center (Vodičkova 17, 110 00 P1-Nové Město)

Go to tram stop Vodičkova and turn and walk towards the McDonalds. The passage is on the right of McDs. The stairwell is then on the right. The Buzzer says PCF Upper Room.

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